NumPy 1.14 教學 – #06 簡易指定(Simple Assignments), 檢視(Views), 深度拷貝(Deep Copy)
Python3 教學、筆記NumPy提供了簡易指定Simple Assignments、檢視View、深度拷貝Deep Copy等方法,本文就會針對這幾種方法的差異做介紹!
這是因為陣列這類包含大量指標的變數,對於程式語言來說,通常會兩種複製的方法,一種是類似於捷徑的做法,另一種則是以建立完整的內容來達成相同的效果。但兩者在使用上會有不同的效果!在撰寫時也必須要視情況而定!本內容的的練習範例同步放置於GitHub:Learn NumPy – GitHub
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# 簡易指定並非真正複製內容 a = np.arange(12) # This will assign the a's address to b instead of copy the content of a to b. # 這會把a的記憶體位址指定給b, 並非真正複製內容 b = a print("b等於a嗎?:{0}".format(b is a)) print("a的形狀:{0}".format(a.shape)) print("b的形狀:{0}".format(b.shape)) |
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b等於a嗎?:True a的形狀:(12,) b的形狀:(12,) |
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# changes the shape of a # 改變a陣列的形狀 print("\n改變a的形狀") a.shape = 3, 4 print("a的形狀:{0}".format(a.shape)) print("b的形狀:{0}".format(b.shape)) |
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改變a的形狀 a的形狀:(3, 4) b的形狀:(3, 4) |
後續會以『base、flags.owndata』這兩個屬性來比較view(淺拷貝, shadow copy)與深拷貝(deep copy)之間的差異。
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print("The array of features of simple assignments:") print("簡單指定陣列的特性:") print("\tb is a:? {0}".format(b is a)) print("\tb is base on who:? {0}".format(b.base)) print("\tb.flags.owndata:? {0}".format(b.flags.owndata)) |
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The array of features of simple assignments: 簡單指定陣列的特性: b is a:? True b is base on who:? None b.flags.owndata:? True |
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# View or Shallow Copy # 檢視/淺拷貝 # View # 檢視 a = np.arange(12) c = a.view() print("a=>\n{0}".format(a)) print("c=>\n{0}".format(c)) print() # Changes the shape of c. # 改變c陣列的形狀 c.shape = 3, 4 print("c.shape=3,4\nc=>\n{0}".format(c)) print("a=>\n{0}".format(a)) |
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a=> [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] c=> [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] |
(1)變更c的形狀、(2)變更c[1, 2]的內容,來觀察a是否也會改變!
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print() # Changes the shape of c. # 改變c陣列的形狀 c.shape = 3, 4 print("c.shape=3,4\nc=>\n{0}".format(c)) print("a=>\n{0}".format(a)) print() # Let's change some element value of c. # 來變更c的元素值看看 c[1,2] = 999 print("c[1,2]=999\nc=>\n{0}".format(c)) print("a=>\n{0}".format(a)) print() # Slices an array will return a view of it. # If you change elements' value of the view, the related elements' value of source array will be changed simultaneously. # 對陣列/矩陣切片,會回傳檢視喔! # 如果你更改了檢視的元素值,來源陣列的相對應的元素值也會同時被改變! s = c[:, 1:3] print("s=c[:, 1:3]\ns=>\n{0}".format(s)) s[:] = 10 print("s[:] = 10\ns=>\n{0}".format(s)) print("c=>\n{0}".format(c)) |
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c.shape=3,4 c=> [[ 0 1 2 3] [ 4 5 6 7] [ 8 9 10 11]] a=> [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] c[1,2]=999 c=> [[ 0 1 2 3] [ 4 5 999 7] [ 8 9 10 11]] a=> [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 999 7 8 9 10 11] s=c[:, 1:3] s=> [[ 1 2] [ 5 999] [ 9 10]] s[:] = 10 s=> [[10 10] [10 10] [10 10]] c=> [[ 0 10 10 3] [ 4 10 10 7] [ 8 10 10 11]] |
檢視的owndata值是False,代表檢視沒有自己的記憶體儲存空間,所以它是去參考別人的啦。(其實我也不太懂為何這個差異會造成使用上的差別) 原文解釋在這:numpy.ndarray.flags
此外,檢視(view)和簡易指定(simple assignments)使用上的差異在於,更改檢視的形狀是不會影響原本的參考來源變數的形狀喔!(可以看一下前面的例子)
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print() print("The Features of View:") print("View的特性:") print("\tc is a:? {0}".format(c is a)) print("\tc is base on who:? {0}".format(c.base)) print("\tc.flags.owndata:? {0}".format(c.flags.owndata)) |
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The Features of View: View的特性: c is a:? False c is base on who:? [ 0 10 10 3 4 10 10 7 8 10 10 11] c.flags.owndata:? False |
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##深度拷貝 a = np.arange(12) b = a.copy() print("a=>{0}".format(a)) print("b=>{0}".format(b)) print() print("The Features of Deep Copy:") print("Deep Copy的特性:") print("b is a:? {0}".format(b is a)) print("b is base on who:? {0}".format(b.base)) print("b.flags.owndata:? {0}".format(b.flags.owndata)) |
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a=>[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] b=>[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] The Features of Deep Copy: Deep Copy的特性: b is a:? False b is base on who:? None b.flags.owndata:? True |
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print() b[5] = 99 print("b[5] = 999\nb=> {0}".format(b)) print("a=> {0}".format(a)) print() b.shape = 2, 6 print("b.shape = 2,6\nb=>\n{0}".format(b)) print("a=> {0}".format(a)) |
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b[5] = 999 b=> [ 0 1 2 3 4 99 6 7 8 9 10 11] a=> [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] b.shape = 2,6 b=> [[ 0 1 2 3 4 99] [ 6 7 8 9 10 11]] a=> [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] |